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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Vocab exercise #5 10pts

1) Abase: base,abs 14) Ascend: send, sea
2)Abate: tab, bat 15) Ascetic: sit, sat
3)Abstruse: set, rust 16) Audacity: city, audit
4) Abyss: bass, bay 17) Augury: rug, gray
5) Acuity: cut, cat 18) Auspicious: sap, cup
6) Affinity: fan, niffty 19) Austere: stare, set
7) Alacrity: clay, cry 20) Balm: lab, bam
8) Alchemist: chemist, chest 21) benevolence: love, been
9) Alloy: all, yall 22) Benign: begin, bin
10) Amendable: men, able 23) Betoken: token, bet
11) Antipathy: path, tip 24) Blighted: light, bed
12) Append: pend, pan 25) Buoyant: but, you
13) Arduoud: sour, sad