BBB. "Criminal Law." Law Info. 1995. 14 Nov. 2008 Let’s say you take your friend’s car for a joy ride, and instead of laughing with you, they decide to press charges against you. Does this make you a criminal? Perhaps not, but you will need a lawyer. In this type of situation you will most likely seek out the help of a civil law attorney. A civil attorney basically represents you when you have committed a minor crime, which usually occurs between two people, over one’s property. Since this is a minor crime, you may not be charged with a heavy sentence such as 20 years in jail, but you will however be charged with a misdemeanor. A misdemeanor is basically a charge that is not as serious as a criminal charge. The repercussion of a misdemeanor could be anything between community service, or some sort of fine that you may choose to challenge in court. Now, let’s say you rob a bank, killing three people; however you did not have the intent to kill anyone. All you wanted was the money, but in that moment these people got in the way. In this case you would be charged with a civil lawsuit, thus you will be requiring a civil law attorney. Basically their duties are to represent their clients who are being tried by the government. In this certain scenario, you could be charged with actus reus, which means the process of acting out the crime, and possibly unintentional homicide, considering you unintentionally took the lives of people. What lacks from the argument, is the process by which the defendant will be charged. Meaning what’s step one in the trial. This argument is presented on the basis to inform people about the profession of law attorneys. The information provided, not only helps clients decide if they need a criminal law attorney, but this article also helps people who are interested in studying law, and would like to seek further information on a certain branch of this profession. The argument could be presented stronger b y appealing to a broader audience. Meaning including more information, not only on what civil law attorney do, but also the resources you could you use of which to attain one.
BBB. "Should I plead guilty even if innocent" Law Info. 1995. 14 Nov. 2008
So you’re sitting in court, and the outcome looks bleak. Maybe if you just plead guilty right away, whatever the sentence may be would be lightened. This sort of thinking is a false inference. Leave the debates of innocent or guilty to your attorneys, this is why you hired them. Some would say the number one rule of law would be, until evidence of guilt is brought against you, your character is innocent. A well rounded, intellectual criminal law attorney will be able to find ways in which the evidence counted against you, would not be enough to prosecute you. The article presents the argument that one should not plead guilty against oneself. However I do feel that the argument could have been stronger by presenting more information on the subject. This article instilled within me the drive to succeed in my career of a defense attorney. It’s always easy to point the finger at someone and jus blatantly state that they are guilty, but it takes a true attorney to have the mindset and skill to take that guilty man and argue against hardcore facts that he is innocent. Too many innocent people are condemned to a life in jail or a sentenced to death wrongfully, because they did not have the attorney of skill to debate and stand up for their innocence. It is too often that we see this occurring in federal courts across the nation.
BBB. "Personal Injury." Law Info. 1995. 14 Nov. 2008
4 Say you’re driving home one night and you notice a car following close behind you. This is also known as tailgating. You proceed to create a space cushion, but the driver of the other vehicle persists on remaining close to you. You have you little six year old sister in the front seat with you, and you hope that everything will be alright. Suddenly the car behind you speeds up and runs into the back of your vehicle, which causes you to leave the road colliding into a wall, where you break your arm, and your little sister becomes mentally impaired. You discover that the driver of the other vehicle was a nineteen year old frat boy who had a very high alcohol content. This is an example of a personal injury claim. Every scenario requires an attorney which specializes in that particular field. A personal injury attorney represents you when you have been injured on behalf of another party. This claim may only be made if you are not the party at fault. A personal injury attorney directs you in the various options that you could go about your case. They also help in obtaining the appropriate monetary worth of the injury. Before taking any legal action a police report should be filed, and names and insurance agencies should be exchanged. In some instances minor instances could be handled among the parties, for example if the vehicle that is at fault apologizes, and offers to pay for the damages. In this instance a personal injury attorney most likely will not be needed. On the other hand failure to cooperate on the part of the one whom is at fault could result in something bigger than intended. This article made me empathetic to those whom harm has come to. A strong argument, by using a fatal car accident as an example. This is valuable information that many people need to know. The argument could have been stronger by also appealing to those who have caused the accident. This article inspired me to take an interest in the rights of those who have been wrongfully injured.
BBB. "Personal Injury." Law Info. 1995. 14 Nov. 2008
Basically personal injury is the harm of an individual, because of the carelessness of another. A common use of a personal injury attorney is to help you determine how much compensation should be received. It is often rather difficult to put a dollar amount upon an injury. For example, if a loved one has passed, obviously they are unable to attend court; therefore you will be representing the case on behalf of your family. You can never put a price on a life, but in this situation you will have to settle on a price to compensate you on behalf of the person which has been lost. In these type of situations things could get a little tricky, because emotions tend to get in the way, which could complicate the case itself. A skill a good personal injury attorney should attain is the skill of remaining unbiased. You must remember that the amount settled, is not the amount of the person’s life. I found this article interesting, because it discussed the dispute of how much money should be attained. The argument could have been stronger by giving estimates of what different accidents could cost. This article filled me with empathy, and I truly want to help people with my career.
BBB, comp. "What Does Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) Govern?" Law Info. 1995. 14 Nov. 2008 http://
You walk into your boss’s office Monday morning, with the best attitude in the world. You knew you had been doing a commendable job, and you have been with your company for 10 years. You discuss the matter with your boss, and he fully agrees that you have been doing an excellent job, however when you ask for a promotion, his mood quickly changes and frankly you don’t have the slightest clue why. It could have been because you were Mexican, or because you are the oldest member of the team, or because you are a female. All of these are forms of discrimination which goes against The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII). This act governs fairness in the workplace. Meaning you cannot discriminate against someone because of their race, age, or sex. This is a form of business law. A business lawyer helps govern and make sure that this act is up kept in the workplace. Business lawyers thoroughly know all acts and codes pertaining to the workplace, so if there is a complaint to be filed these are the people who are the best to represent you. This article interested me, because not only am I interested in the field of law, but also the field of business, so for me this article was a happy medium. This article contained a strong argument over the rights of people in the workplace. It contained exampled pertaining to each filed of discrimination. What lacked from the argument, was the deeper law aspect of it, but other than that this was a very thou rough, and helpful article.
BBB. "What Does The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 (Title Vii) Govern?" Law Info. 1995. 14 Nov. 2008
Business law often governs the freedoms of many other regulations in the workplace. There are numerous acts that should be learned and practiced daily by those who want to know their rights, and also attorneys who need 2 be up on all the acts and codes. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 makes sure that those who are impaired physically or mentally have the same rights as those who are in the same profession, as long as the profession is within reason. Meaning that a man who could not see would not be discriminated against by being told he could not have the job, because it requires for you to watch when the light comes on. The LMRA was created to upkeep peace upon the people of the workplace. These acts prove just how much laws enable to have the workplace move so smoothly. The fair labor acts, were created to keep child labor to a minimum. They also set the standard for equal monetary fairness. I found this article interesting, because it basically gave you general ideas of how acts in the workplace were to be governed. This piece could have been stronger, if examples were created to accompany each law, to make the piece seem more personable, and appealing.
BBB. "Under What Circumstances Should I Hire A Lawyer?" Law Info. 1995. 14 Nov. 2008
7 Many people neglect to hire an attorney, whether it is do to laziness, or due to the costly expense of a lawyer. Some people also make the mistake of just hiring an attorney. Despite how good that is, it’s always best to find an attorney that specializes in the field that pertains to your situation. Law is a very broad field to enter into. There are many areas of interest that require special degrees to be attained for their field. Although the top number one criminal defense attorney may be the best in their field, does not mean that they know all they should know about real estate. Your main goal to hire a real estate attorney would be to make sure your finances are safe. They also shield their clients from accidentally signing contracts and other documents pertaining to the settlement, which could result in the client being taken advantage of in the end. The moral to this lesson is never sign anything when your attorney is not present. This is why attorneys are almost always present when businesses conduct closings. A closing is when a business or any other property is sold to another party, where the both meet and sign a contract on the agreement.
BBB. "Real Estate Law." Law Info. 1995. 14 Nov. 2008
Every one who owns real estate has the right to their privacy, and their freedom. Real estate is a very complex issue to take to court, because real estate is commercial property that is processed through the government. A real estate case should never be attempted alone, there are many legal documents that must be filed, and many complicated terminologies that will be used, which go beyond a mediocre meaning. Real estate cases are broad but not limited to: nosy neighbors, landlords, selling property, and foreclosure. Real estate brokers are people who you may also refer to for your legal needs. Their main purpose is to distribute property, and assist in the process, so you may ask them advice on topics pertaining to real estate, but don’t have them be your primary source of information. This is a very strong argument; it listed the ABCs or the fundamentals of the meaning of real estate law and the instances of which it is practiced. The article did interest me, however it did not inspire to take a career I the field of real estate law. I’m not exactly sure the main reason, but this field did not strike an interest with me. What could have made this argument stronger is perhaps if numerous arguments were broken down, they would be a little more easily understood, which would in turn be digested better by the reader.
Blankshain, M, & McCluggage, M (2003). Defeating Class Certification: Showing How You Will Present Your Defense At Trial Is Crucial. Wildman Harrold, Retrieved November 14, 2008, from
3 If you kill a man just for the fun of it, and you were proud of yourself, admit it, it was a job well done. However you did not think of the repercussion that would be brought up against you. You have just enough money saved in the bank to purchase a highly trained professional to represent your case, but you would rather pocket your money for that new sports car. You walk into court that day and they eat you alive. You don’t know the first thing about law, nor do you comprehend the terms of law being used at and against you. Should’ve hired that layer yes? Not only in this situation, but in any case in general. The first thing to do when you find yourself in legal trouble would be to go seek help from a professional. The sooner the better, meaning it is not wise to wait a week before your trial to try to start seeking representation. You need to seek help immediately, because the sooner you meet with your lawyer, the sooner they begin setting up a relationship with you the client, and also they have more time to prepare for the case, and gain the understanding that will help you both. In court both the client and lawyer’s representations are on the line; therefore help your attorney by seeking them out as soon as possible. This argument, is very strong, however it could have been stronger in the aspect that is could have stated what would happened if an attorney was not sought out at the appropriate time. This argument motivated me to be prepared for anything meaning, no matter how late a client approaches me, I must be prepared to handle it by staying on top of the current legal system.
Reuters, Thomas, comp. "Islamic Family Law." Islamic Family Law. 1999. State Department. 14 Nov. 2008 http://
In foreign countries, law is very closely tied into the formal union of marriage. Marriage is a commitment to another person, and under the Islamic family law, it is treated just as such. In Islam the proposal and marriage is basically the production of the contract, and the acceptance of it. This contract outlaws the need for any religious ceremonies, such as the traditional wedding to be conducted. For the marriage to be formally and legally binding, the partied involved must have two witnesses present to witness the signing. Both parties must consent to the marriage, for it to be considered a legal binding. The contract also makes any children born automatically the religion of the mother, and they automatically originate from where their father resides. Being from the place of their father, this requires the children to gain permission from their father upon leaving the country of Islam. The Islamic contract of marriage is not one that is complicated, which requires a year just for a separation, marriage in Islam can easily be broken without the assistance of a lawyer, or the court. This article was helpful, because I have considered studying law abroad. Law is practiced differently everywhere in the world, and this article was very appealing to me. The argument could have been stronger, had more of the positive side of marriage had been expressed. Predominately this article expressed the downfall of marriage and the rights that women did not hold. Women were condemned to a life where they had no voice, and where their children no longer belonged to them. This article inspired me to want to establish a better law system in foreign countries.