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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

*Yea this wan't fun* Comparison Analysis

1) Total number of words: 538
2) Total number of sentences: 39
3) Longest sentence in number of words: 32
4) Shortest sentence in number of words: 7
5) Average Sentence Length: 22
6) Number of sentences with more than 10 words over the average: 17
7) Percentage of sentences with more than 10 words over the average: 15
8) Sentences with more than five words under the average: 20%
9) Percentage of sentences with more than 5 words under the average: 80%
10) Paragraph Length
Longest paragraph in number of words: 74
Shortest paragraph in number of words: 34
Average paragraph in number of words: 52.6

Private Businesses Shed 250,000 Jobs in November
Federal Report Finds Economic Activity Fell in Most Every Industry
By Neil Irwin and Howard SchneiderWashington Post Staff Writers Wednesday, December 3, 2008; 2:47 PM

Business conditions weakened across the United States and in almost every industry in recent weeks, according to a Federal Reserve report released today. And a pair of other reports indicated that private employers shed jobs at an accelerating rate and the nation's service sector contracted sharply in November.
Together, the reports are strong evidence that the recession is deepening as winter approaches. Stocks were up moderately in early afternoon trading, with the Dow Jones industrial average up less than one percent, or 39 points.
The Fed's "beige book," a compilation of anecdotal reports from businesses across the nation published roughly every six weeks, found that "overall economic activity weakened across all Federal Reserve districts since the last report."
The report amounted to a catalogue of misery across almost all sectors of the economy. Consumer spending weakened almost across the board, especially for vehicles. Tourism activity was "relatively slow." Manufacturing "declined noticeably" since the Fed's last report. Services business "generally contracted in most districts."
Part of the problem was that lenders have continued to restrict credit. "Credit standards rose across the nation," the beige book said, "with several districts noting increases in loan delinquencies and defaults, especially in the real estate sector."
One bright spot is that price pressures have been dropping, especially for energy, food, and raw materials. The same is true of retail prices. "A number of district reports mentioned that retailers were widely discounting prices in anticipation of a slow holiday sales season," the document said.
In its monthly employment report, payroll processors estimated that private businesses shed 250,000 jobs in November on a seasonally adjusted basis. It was the biggest drop in seven years and "offers evidence that the labor market continues to weaken," ADP said in its monthly payroll survey.
Based on data from nearly 400,000 companies, the report showed employment declines across the board as large, medium and small companies all shed jobs, and employment contracted in all sectors of the economy.
The ADP report sets the stage for the government's next monthly jobs report, due out Friday. Analysts expect that report to show another spike in unemployment and job losses that may approach 300,000.
The numbers from the ADP report are "terrible," wrote Ian Shepherdson, chief U.S. economist with the High Frequency Economics consulting firm, in an analysis of the employment numbers.
With payrolls deteriorating in both the manufacturing and service sectors "there is nowhere to hide," he said.
A separate study by the Institute of Supply Management showed that economic activity in the service sector fell to the lowest level since its index for the sector was first reported more than a decade ago. The ISM surveys businesses for information on hiring, new orders and other data that are formed into an overall index. A reading greater than 50 indicates a sector is expanding. The reading for November was 37.3, compared to 44.4 in October.
Even usually positive news -- a rise in worker productivity -- took on a dark hue. The value of hourly worker output increased by 1.3 percent from July through September, a larger increase than originally estimated, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But that upward revision came only because employers cut back workers hours, leaving fewer employees to produce goods and services.

1) Total number of words: 940
2) Total number of sentences: 37
3) Longest sentence in number of words: 57
4) Shortest sentence in number of words: 11
5) Average Sentence Length: 18.3
6) Number of sentences with more than 10 words over the average: 15
7) Percentage of sentences with more than 10 words over the average: 75.3%
8) Sentences with more than five words under the average: 22
9) Percentage of sentences with more than 5 words under the average: 25%
10) Paragraph Length
Longest paragraph in number of words: 506
Shortest paragraph in number of words: 434
Average paragraph in number of words: 202.3
I am a person who truly appreciates a beautiful and creative piece of literature muchlike a poem. The Author To her Book, is by far one of the most well thought out,compelling, and analytical poems I have read by far. Understanding the poem requiresdeep thought and understanding which really appealed to my logic. The Author to HerBook is a poem that tells about a young woman’s relationship with her father, mother,and the streets of which she will soon be forced to live. Throughout the entire poem she isexplaining to readers how she feels it is her fault that her father left, leaving her motherfor poor. “Thou ill-formed offspring of my feeble brain, who after birth my side remain”.(Lines 1 and 2). Here she is saying that as an infant her brain was feeble, basically sayingshe did not have much knowledge and was not capable of doing anything stupid oroffensive to her family, this is why her father remained at her side. In lines 8 and 9 sherefers to herself as a brat, which she explains as being the reason her father would notreturn home, even for her mother’s call. She didn’t feel her father was fit for light, so shechose to view him in the dark therefore masquerading the scars which she metaphoricallyused his face to display them. “I washed thy face, but more defects I saw, and rubbing offa spot still made a flaw.” The young girl is stating that her father has so many flaws andproblems, that by removing one in turn you are surfacing another; if she could mend hisscars she would, but she knows that deep inside the scar must be internal. “I stretched thyjoints to make thee even feet, yet still thou run’st more hobbling than is meet.”Apparently she is stating that she has been bending over backwards to keep her fatherfrom running away from her again, by stretching his joints she is saying that she is tryingto better the problems that exist, it’s kind of like putting someone’s head on strait, youdon’t actually physically do it. “In critic’s hands beware thou dost not come, and take thyway where thou art known; if for thy father asked; say thou art known; and for mymother, she alas is poor, which caused her thus to send me out the door.” This is one ofthe most powerful lines within the poem. This is the ending where she is no longerreflecting on her past. She is stating that her father is ashamed to be critiqued by his peersand neighbors, and flees to a place where he will not be known leaving behind his wifeand daughter. Her mother is poor, and has no job, and cannot afford to maintain herdaughter. Deciding that her daughter is old enough to fend for herself, she forces herchild, life, soul, and offspring into the cold night.This poem is short, however is very powerful, and well written. One very well usedliterary device used throughout the entire poem, is foreshadowing. Reading the poem theevents that are occurring are not happening as the reader in reading along, she isforeshadowing on past events so that the readers will understand her better at the endingwhen she reveals what actually ends up happening in her life. Thus the title The Author toHer Book. She is narrating her own life; she is the author to her own life. Everyone has alife, just like everyone’s life is different; this is much like a book. Everyday we write anew page in our lives, and hope that one day we’ve written it well enough that the mostimportant reader who receives the final copy finds that we have written it well. I guessmetaphorically speaking God is our Editor in Chief and gets the final word. The dictionused in this poem was excellent, and gave the reader a clue of what time period the eventstook place. I would say sometime during the Middle Ages, when everyone spoke brokenEnglish. I came to this conclusion by the word choices such as thy and may’st, and thefact that she referred to her clothes as rags. According to the caste system the lowestpeople wore “rags”, while purple and the finest colors and fabrics were reserved forroyalty. The tone of the piece is sympathetic, which correlates to the appeal to ouremotions. You can’t help but feel bad for the young woman whose father has left her life,and who feels it is all her fault, and whose mother made her leave their home. I know thatshe is a young woman, because her mother decided it would be ok to leave at her age.Surely she wouldn’t put a three year old out, and surely a three year old wouldn’t be ableto speak with great emotion and understanding, also she had already reflected on theyounger years of her life. This makes the author very credible although this poem is apiece of fiction, but based off of true emotions, it is more believable to have a youngwoman narrate her story, then have a three year old narrate her life, when three year oldhas not received much education to even know what’s a narrator. Overall I felt that thiswas a great piece of literature, and I recommend it for anyone looking for somethingstimulating, and beautifully written to read